Bharat Intellectual Property Law By Aditya Soni Edition April 2019

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Bharat Intellectual Property Law By Aditya Soni Edition April 2019

Bharat Intellectual Property Law By Aditya Soni Edition April 2019


Part I: Copyright
Chapter 1? ? ? ? Copyright ? An Introduction
Chapter 2? ? ? ? Subject Matter of Copyright
Chapter 3? ? ? ? Authorship and First Ownership
Chapter 4? ? ? ? Term of Copyright
Chapter 5? ? ? ? Assignment of Copyright and Licences
Chapter 6? ? ? ? Copyright Societies
Chapter 7? ? ? ? Related Rights: Rights of Broadcasting Organisations and Performers
Chapter 8? ? ? ? Moral Rights
Chapter 9? ? ? ? Registration of Copyright
Chapter 10? ? ? Economic Rights of Owners and Infringement of Copyright
Chapter 11? ? ? Defences to Copyright Infringement
Chapter 12? ? ? Infringement of Copyright: Jurisdiction and Civil Remedies
Part II: Trade Mark
Chapter 13? ? ? An Introduction to Trade Marks
Chapter 14? ? ? Deceptive Similarity
Chapter 15? ? ? Registrability of Trade Marks
Chapter 16? ? ? Registration of Trade Mark
Chapter 17? ? ? Rights of Trade Mark Holder
Chapter 18? ? ? Infringement of Registered Trade Mark and Defences
Chapter 19? ? ? Assignment and Transmission
Chapter 20? ? ? Rectification and Correction of Register
Chapter 21? ? ? Collective Marks and Certification Trade Marks
Chapter 22? ? ? The Law of Passing Off
Chapter 23? ? ? Infringement of Trade Mark and Passing Off ? Jurisdiction and Remedies
Part III: Design
Chapter 24? ? ? Designs ? An Introduction
Chapter 25? ? ? Registrability and Registration of Design
Chapter 26? ? ? Copyright in Registered Design
Chapter 27? ? ? Piracy of Registered Design and Remedies
Part IV: Patent
Chapter 28? ? ? Introduction to Patents
Chapter 29? ? ? Patentability
Chapter 30? ? ? How to Obtain Patent and its Subsistence
Chapter 31? ? ? Compulsory Licencing
Chapter 32? ? ? Revocation and Surrender of Patent
Chapter 33? ? ? Infringement of Patent
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